Thursday, May 21, 2020
Offshoring and Outsourcing Term Paper - 1794 Words
Term Paper The debate of outsourcing or offshoring American jobs rather than utilizing our unemployed citizens has been a highly controversial topic in the past decade. Outsourcing has many advantages to business firms such as lower production costs, lower labor costs, improved quality of work, more time to focus on domestic operations, and increased profits which help stimulate our economy. The opposing view argues that by outsourcing jobs to other countries it is causing higher unemployment in America and stimulating the economies of other nations rather than our own by providing them with jobs, resources, facilities and capital. Though there will never be a universal agreement on this matter both sides do have merit to them and makeâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Companies can now manage foreign partners in any country with use of the internet, webcams, phone conferences, and even the ability to control and monitor finances, bookkeeping, and other operations from computers at th e offices here in America. Another trend America has seen over the past few decades is the shift from manufacturing to services. With the ability to outsource production jobs the American economy has been much more focused on service careers, which are something that can be outsourced to serve foreign customers but will always have a place in the American marketplace since services must be consumed at purchase, meaning to serve American customers the service providers must operate within US borders. The ease of offshoring and the benefits it provides makes the idea of global expansion very attractive, but there are still aspects of offshoring that make the concept undesirable to others. There is large opposition to the idea of outsourcing jobs to foreign countries when there is such a high level of unemployment here in America. By 2015 the number of American jobs expected to be lost to outsourcing since 2000 is 3.3 million according to a recent report by Forrester Research (â⠬Å"Outsourcing, PBSâ⬠). As of October 2010 the American unemployment rate is at 9.6 percent, and the fact that so many jobs are being sent overseas is disturbing to many whoShow MoreRelatedAdvantages Of Outsourcing And Outsourcing1428 Words à |à 6 Pagesbarriers. This paper will be centered on the advantages and disadvantages of offshoring and outsourcing. Furthermore, we will discuss some of the factors and trends that are affecting offshoring and outsourcing. Outsourcing vs. Offshoring In order to understand globalization, we have to first learn about some of the common misconceptions. The terms ââ¬Å"outsourcingâ⬠and ââ¬Å"offshoringâ⬠are used almost synonymously in todayââ¬â¢s literature, however, there is a huge technical difference. Outsourcing simply occursRead MoreOutsourcing And Re Shoring Production1732 Words à |à 7 Pagescountless occupations that were formerly invulnerable to offshoring to be sent overseas. As globalization advances, the off shoring movement is likely to escalate as well. Nonetheless, numerous manufacturing companies such as Caterpillar, Bosh, and Phillips have disclosed that they will return part of their off-shored production to their home countries.(When Manufacturing moves back 1) Throughout this paper I will discuss the politics of offshoring and re-shoring production as well as reflect on globalizedRead MoreBenefits And Drawbacks Of Outsourcing962 Words à |à 4 Pagesits operations to less costing labor. This c onsequently led to these companies seeking employees from developing countries. The outsourcing is an initiative taken by these companies to seek both the skilled and unskilled personnel to offer their services to all industries. The information technology industry has been one of the industries in the U.S affected by outsourcing. For this effect, the New York State legislative bill A. 8284/S. 2317 was endorsed by act on August 1st 2007 (ââ¬Å"The Offshoreâ⬠, 2010)Read MoreOutsourcing : Outsourcing And Outsourcing1840 Words à |à 8 PagesOutsourcing, and in particular offshore outsourcing, is absolutely necessary and helps our country s economy. Outsourcing helps a company focus on those things it does best and hence increase its top line revenues while reducing costs. Outsourcing has provided organic growth to the United States corporations and enabled them to compete more effectively in global markets. This paper seeks to explore what outsourcing is, what the difference be tween outsourcing and offshoring is, what effects itRead MoreThe Risk And Benefits Of Outsourcing Supply Chain And Risk Management Essay961 Words à |à 4 Pages The Risk and Benefits of Outsourcing Supply Chain and Risk Management. How Boeing 787 Supply Chain Issues Affected Other Industries? Debates between business professionals regarding risk and benefits of outsourcing is becoming increasingly heated with particular focus on risks as unanticipated costs, potential for setbacks, integration difficulties, quality or benefits as minimize overall cost, focus on other business area, meet customer demand and flexibility. 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While the general idea of globalization is not our primary focus in this report, one of the most controversial subjects to arise out of the globalization phenomenon, offshore outsourcing, is of particular interest to us. Offshore outsourcing (hereafter used interchangeable with offshoring) has been around for some time now. The pressure to transfer busin ess processes over-seas first cameRead MoreFig 5- Manufacturing Value Added And Employment As A Share Of The Total Us Economy1430 Words à |à 6 Pagesoffices abroad. This brings the concept of offshoring. Offshoring, otherwise called offshore outsourcing, is the term that came into utilization over 10 years back to portray a practice among organizations situated in the United States of contracting with organizations past U.S. fringes to perform administrations that would somehow or another have been given by in-house representatives (white collar). The term is just as appropriate to U.S. firms offshoring the occupations of hands on laborers (blueRead MoreEssay about BUSI 613 Journal Review 1 Week 2 31191 Words à |à 5 Pages Ferreira, J., Prokopets, L. (2009). Does offshoring still make sense? Supply Chain Management Review, 13(1), 20-n/a., pp 1-5, Retrieved from In this paper I will summarize the article, discuss the purpose intended by the authors, and discuss how this situation relates to the supply chain management theory. I will also suggest areas in offshoring where research done since its publication will enhance the findingsRead MoreOutsourcing: Lets Get It Right Essay1208 Words à |à 5 Pagesensure this trust. This paper provides rhetorical analyses of two presentations pertaining to outsourcing. Neither particularly opposes outsourcing, yet each provides information addressing two different outsourcing concerns. Kibbeââ¬â¢s 2004 article ââ¬Å"Outsourcing: the good, the bad and the inevitableâ⬠focuses on United States (U.S.) job impact. Van Heerdenââ¬â¢s 2010 speech ââ¬Å"Making Global Labor Fairâ⬠focuses on human rights impact. Rhetorical Analysis: Kibbe (2004) ââ¬Å"Outsourcing: the good, the bad and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effects of Exercise to Muscles - 1711 Words
Effects of exercise to muscles Jezreel E. Rodriguez Communication Arts II Professor Manlapig, B. May 22, 2012 Thesis statement: 54 percent of human body mass is muscles, and through regular exercise these muscles could be made healthier. I. Introduction II. Muscles and exercise a. Three types of muscles 1. Smooth muscle 2. Cardiac muscle 3. Skeletal muscle b. Benefits of exercise to muscles 1. Muscle Strength 2. Muscle Endurance 3. Muscle Size 4. Muscle Nerve-Interaction 5. Blood Circulation c. Muscle Soreness After Exercise 1. Causes of muscle Soreness 2. Treatment for muscle soreness 3. Tips for dealing with muscle soreness 4. Tips to prevent muscle soreness III. Conclusionâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦ Noland V., 2006). Muscle Endurance Muscular endurance is the ability of the muscles to keep working for an extended time(Phentice H. Needham M.,1997).It can increase depends on the strength of the muscle and through changes in local metabolic and circulatory function. Exercise will increase blood flow and enhance the capacity of the muscle fibers to generate and store more energy that allows the muscle to endure continuous use of muscle in longer period of time (Weir, 2010). Muscle Size Another effect of exercise to muscular system is the enlargement of the muscle. As regular as you do an exercise in the gym by lifting weights, your body will continue adding size to meet the imposed demand (Jordan T.S.).Having a long term exercise can generate muscle fibers growth known as hypertrophy. Having a resistance training will increase overall synthesis which is the main building block for muscle. When you lift an overload weights it will increase the number of contractile filaments with in the muscle cells. This will make the enlargement of muscle cells that makes the entire muscle larger(Weir J., 2010). Muscle Nerve Interaction To improve the strength of the muscle of the muscle, itââ¬â¢s also needed the good performance of nervous System. Increasing of maximal force production can give a good recruitment of nerve fibers. Strengthening trainings improves the ability of the body to call on moreShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Effects Of Oxidative Stress1560 Words à |à 7 PagesKozakowska et al., (2015) findings show that it is possible for exercises to support special adaptations as regards to the group and vigor of the physical activity engaged. Based on their findings, they hypothesize that the adaptations occur to protect the muscles from disproportionate ROS generation, hence, enhancing the motor activities (Kozakowska et al., 2015). Their findings show that light exercises and warm-up regimens reduced erythrocyte MDA and raised erythrocyte SOD performance in patientsRead MoreSupplements : Dietary Supplements, As Defined By The Fda ( U.s. Food And Drug Administration1344 Words à |à 6 Pagesand Drug and Administration (FDA), 2015). Supplements are taken by many people to assist in the building of muscle and to assist in recovery after workouts. Creatine is a popular supplement which is taken by both professional and amateur body builders to assist in the delivery of energy to the muscles. There are some dietary supplements which provide energy but have very serious side effects. These supplements contain steroids. There are two types of steroids which are naturally present in the body:Read MoreEssay on Benefits and Effects of Different Types of Training921 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe best way to show off muscle strength. Instead, there are smarter ways to gain strength and show off strength and it can be done in more effective ways than straight weight lifting. In this report, I will show the benefits and effects of different types of training. Strong muscles, being essential to good health, can be built and toned through many different forms of exercise. Three primary methods of strength training are traditional exercise, alternative exercise and other miscellaneous methodsRead MoreBranched Chain Amino Acid As A Supplement For Long Duration Exercise814 Words à |à 4 Pagesfor Long Duration Exercise Introduction Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are composed of three essential amino acids including leucine, isoleucine, and valine. They are unique in that they are predominantly metabolized outside of the liver in the skeletal muscle. BCAAs make up 35-40% of the amino acid pool in the body and exist in high concentrations in skeletal muscle tissue (Shimomura et al, 2006). While the supplemental dosage is dependent upon on the type of exercise,, body compositionRead MoreCreatine Side Effects On Nutritional Supplements1417 Words à |à 6 Pages This creatine side effects update covers sources of creatine in food,effective supplementation and study results of creatines effectiveness. Over the last decade, thousands of articles have been written about creatine side effects in scientific journals, magazines, newspapers, and on the Internet. The reason for this interest is that creatine supplements have proven to be one of the most effective methods available to increase strength, power, and muscle mass. Moreover, a number of potential therapeuticRead MoreBody Weight, Height, Percent Body Fat And Squat Strength Test941 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe study as shown in table 1. Muscle Soreness Regarding muscle soreness, the pre-exercise values were not different among groups. Muscle soreness significantly increased above baseline in all groups at all time points (p 0.05; Fig 2). Peak soreness occurred in all groups at 24 hrs after exercise. Also, the three groups had no effect on soreness scores. Serum Marker Means CK levels are presented in Fig3. CK level reached its peak activity 48 hours after exercise with significant differences (132Read MorePhysical Preparation Of The Body1150 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe endurance of the muscle. â⬠¢ Hamstring curls - 4 sets of 8-6-4-8 reps alternating weight as needed to maintain difficulty at moderate levels. â⬠¢ 25 abdominal crunches â⬠¢ 60 Russian twists 30 per side â⬠¢ 1 minute plank â⬠¢ 25 crunches â⬠¢ 1 minute plank â⬠¢ Finish the Exercise by stretching the hips, groin, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Proper preparation of the body is essential when doing any type of exercise. Proper preparation should include gentle stretching and warm up exercises to get the heart pumpingRead MoreThe Response Of The Sciatic Nerve1171 Words à |à 5 Pagesresponses of the sciatic nerve and the gastrocnemius of a Rana pipens, one exercise was selected from Lab five and five exercises were selected from Lab six. Both lab five and Lab six had a study length of three weeks to be performed. Therefore, the first experiment focused on the nerve compound action potentials, while the second experiment focus on the neuromuscular junction. In the first experiment, the only exercise analyzed (Exercise one), was the determination of the threshold voltage and the relationshipRead MoreThe Importance or Exercising Regularly832 Words à |à 3 Pageswe make as human beings. In order to maintain physical health, we need to accomplish the numerous goals we set for ourselves. Physical health is so important to us because it effects all of the other dimensions of wellness severely. Physical health has various benefits that could be very harmful if one does not exercise r egularly. For example, exercising regularly can reduce the risk of Cardiovascular Disease and reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic syndrome. Heart diseases and strokesRead MoreExercise-Induced Muscle Damage And Cytokines Case Study912 Words à |à 4 PagesExercise-induced muscle damage and cytokines Previously, we have found that peak IL-6 is associated with muscle damage using an eccentric exercise model in which the CK level peaked at day 4 after the exercise.25 However, later studies from our group using exercise models in which CK peaked one day after exercise have failed to show an association between peak IL-6 and peak CK levels.13,14 In addition, a recent communication has failed to find an association between increases in IL-6 and muscle damage
Mona Lisa Compare Contrast Free Essays
In the 14th century, a new cultural movement known as the Renaissance began. Young Leonardo Dad Vinci constructed a portrait known as the Mona Lisa. This painting is arguably the most famous painting of time. We will write a custom essay sample on Mona Lisa Compare Contrast or any similar topic only for you Order Now Now in the 21st century, a fresh artist ââ¬Å"Abstract,â⬠has developed a similar work of art associated to the Mona Lisa known as ââ¬Å"Wonderââ¬â¢s Finest. â⬠With both pieces of work containing the same subject along with different time periods, there is no doubt that both of these paintings contain itââ¬â¢s differences and similarities accordingly to their centuries. The differences include the backgrounds, the different colors, and the way ââ¬Å"Mona Lisa,â⬠is represented. The Mona Lisa has its many mysteries, but none other than itââ¬â¢s background and landscape. The landscape of the Mona Aliasââ¬â¢s painting describes both the negative and positive viewpoints on society during the time of the Renaissance period. To the left of the artwork, represents a green healthy environment with a river signaling the peace and tranquility of the time period. To the right of the landscape, a dry wasted and appears with a bridge. This represents a switch of spirit between good and evil. It foreshadows the period to when Medici took over Florence through tyranny and took over the Popeââ¬â¢s spot in Italy. In comparison with ââ¬Å"Wonderââ¬â¢s Finest,â⬠it too shows a spiritual battle between evil and good. The angel is trying to lure ââ¬Å"Mona Local,â⬠back from the wraths of the demon and beneath the window, appears a garden of peace and tranquility. In todayââ¬â¢s society, itââ¬â¢s that same type of conflict. We live in a spiritual oral between God and the devil as both trying to win the souls of mankind. The morality of this abstract reveals how the devil has almost completely claimed the life of once-innocent Mona Lisa. The background suggests that those who have fallen to the devil are now trapped within the deserts of Egypt. The bottles of alcohol suggests that her life has been consumed by heavy drinking as well. In the original Mona Lisa painting, the female who is drawn is a light-hearted madam who smile and body position describe who she is, what she is living and why s she living it. In the artwork ââ¬Å"Mona Lisa,â⬠the light colors represent lightness in her life and heart. Although, the painting features both light and evil colors, the amount of light represented outshines the darkness. Her smile represents the goodness in her heart. Also, it represents the mood as she has successfully defeated the darkness of those ages. Her black dress with the golden sleeves represent a a well respected housewife. Both paintings suggest Mona Lisa and Mona Local were well fascinated by their breasts. They both expose the cleavage of breasts presuming to the seduction of men. In contrast, ââ¬Å"Mona Local,â⬠is a straight on where Just by how she was drawn with the naughtiest position and dark image. The black and gray colors symbolize the dead soul inside of her. Her posture sells her out completely. Her legs are wide open and her exposed breasts explaining the hustler business she runs. The light colors by the near side window can be explained as to her life in a different dimension. The life where she dreams of going, but yet sees it so far away due to her condition. The clothing she wears are fishnets attached with dirty money, with a short skirt and a see-through bra. Her face melting away is a clear sign she is almost disappearing from this world. I have seen thousands of paintings, but none like these two. Both of the painting share itââ¬â¢s extremes coincidences in differences and similarities that tie both paintings together to society. It is crazy to think that young inspired artists drew these not knowingly the effect they would have on society through itââ¬â¢s interpretation. How to cite Mona Lisa Compare Contrast, Papers
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